Monday, September 30, 2019

High School Drop Out Rates

High School Drop Out Rates Essay The nation's dropout crises have become severe over the past ten years. Big city high schools have less than 50% of freshmen graduate. (8) The problem has taken a back seat to a national focus on early childhood and elementary programs. Recent studies have found the dropout rate rising in large cities. Among minority groups, the dropout rate is the highest. The causes of the growing problem range from teen pregnancy to depression. The effect of the drop out rate is financially devastating on the individuals who dropout. Programs are being used to help decrease the tendencies for student to dropout.The national dropout rate has become common for teenagers. Dropout intervention programs have little effect from keeping teens from dropping out. According to the Boston herald website: But combating dropout rates requires new approaches since one group of researcher found that the 20 primary dropout prevention programs administered by the U. S. department o f education made little difference in keeping teens in school. The city' has gradually increase during the past four years, with roughly 900 student-mostly black and Hispanic- leaving the system each year. (1) This problem has been gradually increasing because schools have focused on basis math, literally skills and early childhood education for raising overall test scores. The dropout problem has been virtually forgotten. According to Jay Smink, Director of the National Dropout Prevention Center at Clemson University: â€Å"The sad part is, no one is seriously looking at the issue, and the sadder part is they're not putting the resources needed to improve the graduation rate,†(2) Largest Group of Drop-outs Hispanics are the largest group of dropout rates at 30-35%.This is 2. 5 times higher than the Africans-Americans dropout rate and 3. 5 % time the rate of whites. The study show the reason for the higher rate among Hispanics is poor teacher preparation, lower expectations, and overcrowded facilities. Another reason is a language barrier. Few teachers know enough Spanish to teach Hispanics. Other reasons are cultural related. Many Hispanic youth cite reasons for dropping out that are common to all youth who drop out. These reasons are they are failing, bored and/or having to work to support a family.Most Hispanics tend to believe that the public schools disrespect Hispanic culture, neglect the language problem, and set academic standards below the national norm. Poverty is wide spread among Hispanics. (6) Many children do not get an early start at school by attending pre-school; therefore, these children are at a disadvantage from the start. Their parents cannot read so these children miss being read to which is a necessary part of early development. In addition, peer pressure is an extremely strong influence on Hispanic youth. According to the Augusta Chronicle.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Management: Setting Goals Essay

1. In your university, professors likely have objectives regarding teaching, research, and service to the university. From your perspective, what are the relative priorities of these three objectives? If you could, how would you change these priorities and why? I think that the top priority of the professors is research. Professors had to do research to generate leading-edge knowledge. Moreover, they can find the right and fun ways of teaching by doing research. For example, my marketing teacher makes learning an extremely fun activity by implementing outside sources such as videos and pictures into classroom lectures. He does not get those ideas straight from the textbooks instead he does researches to find those outside sources. On the other hand, professors that don’t do research will teach straight from the text and makes lectures boring and dull. Therefore, their second top priority would be teaching. Teaching always have to follow immediately after Research. Because they need research in order to provide quality teaching. Then the last priority would be service to universities. I think teaching is already considered as providing service to the university, therefore other extra service to the university by professors would be of choice, such as providing tutoring during office hours. I don’t think it’s a requirement of the professors but it will sure be a plus. 4. Thank about the last goal you set for yourself. How SMART was it? The last goal I set for myself was to lose ten pounds in two months, which I don’t think was a smart goal. Because I wasn’t specific enough in setting the goal, losing 10 pounds is too vague. I should’ve state the goal in specific terms such as eating healthy or exercise more in order to lose that weight. Moreover, the goal itself was too unrealistic. I was too naà ¯ve to think that I could lose 10 pounds in two months without rebounding. I should’ve assumed a more realistic time frame which might be five months instead of two. Also, I did not commit to achieving my goal. Losing weight involves eating right and exercise, but after the second week, I gave up on exercising and started eating junk food. Overall, my goal isn’t quite a smart one. Closing case essay: What adjustments would you make at this point? Would you cancel the program or run it at a loss? I would access another $15,000 from the general contingency budget. Since Pam originally considered that it would take about 18 participants for the program to break even financially, since there’s only 10 now, she needs eight more in order to break even. Since there’s only four weeks left before the start of the program, there will be a very small chance for the number of participants to reach 18. Since most of them had already inquired about the program and showed no interest during the first few weeks. Therefore the only way to keep the program going is to run it at a loss. I would run it at a loss because human capital is a firm’s most important internal resource. A group of senior executives trained by excellent leadership programs would definitely enhance a firm’s success. Therefore I evaluate the gain over the loss. 3. What do you think went wrong? What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the planning process? LDC did a great job in setting objectives and developing action plans. The companies set the objective that training senior executives would more likely encourage mid-level managers to participate because they would recommend and approve training requests for mid-level managers. Moreover, they measure the objective in three ways. First, the number of participants taking the first program would be monitored, and calculated that it would take 18 participants for the program to break even financially. Second, she would survey all participants regarding their satisfaction with the program. Finally, LDC would track the number of mid-level managers from the companies of those attending the senior executive program to determine if there was an increased participation level overtime. These are great measurements of the objective determined by Pam. However, she did not quite do a great job in analyzing the firm’s external environment. Originally she made the measurement that 18 participant would be needed in order to break even financially, she did not generate actions to be taken if there were only 10 participants, therefore she failed at developing constingency plans.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Character Description of King Duncan and Macbeth Essay

One of the smaller, yet important, characters is King Duncan. Duncan is an intelligent, generous, trusting and simply, a good king. Especially his goodness contributed to the doubt of Macbeth to actually kill the king. Complimenting his companions for all their nobleness demonstrates Duncan’s love to the people around him and effects their compassion for him. â€Å"O valiant cousin! Worthy gentlemen!† (Act I, Scene 2) is Duncan’s response to someone he barely knows and just explains what had happened during the battle and how Macbeth saved Duncan’s kingdom. Of course it is logical that Duncan is very content with the news of a victories view on the battle. However, to call someone a valiant cousin and a worthy gentlemen if he does not know who this men with the news is, shows Duncan’s respect to a man who is of much lower class than himself. As well it gives the audience the feeling that Duncan is a man who rather lives in a peaceful country than in a country that often fights for land. Besides men he does not know very well, his appreciation of his noble follower Banquo is more than once expressed by Duncan. Firstly he â€Å"infold thee (Banquo) and hold thee to my heart† (Act I Scene 4) and not much later expresses again his thankfulness of Banquo’s loyalty when he compliments him (to the audience) by calling him truly worthy. And by naming Macbeth thane of Cawdor he demonstrates his generosity and appreciation for a, in his eyes, noble man. Duncan really is a loving and generous man; he wants the very best for his people and recognizes loyalty and the good side in people. Maybe that is his tragic flaw. Perhaps Duncan is naà ¯ve, or perhaps he wants to set the example for his country since he is the king, and by doing so he does puts his own status in a dangerous position. His real intentions for being the person that he is are not obvious. Although Duncan is too naà ¯ve to suspect anybody from hurting him, which is not necessary because he is well respected for his deeds, he admits his mistake. When Banquo and he are talking about the man that deceived him and fought the battle against him he explains that â€Å"there is no art to find the mind’s construction in the face: he was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust† (Act I Scene 4). His intelligence, on the other hand, is a little bit more obvious. Duncan has  not shown any knowledge about a possible assassination, but still tells the people his son Malcolm is going to be the king after him (Act I Scene 4). Duncan is intelligent enough to understand that he will not be king forever. And although he has no real signs of diseases or death, there is something that drives him to the point where he officially announces that his son is going to be king before he departs to visit the person who caries the same title as his last traitor. It is ironic that the thane of Cawdor is his traitor and his murderer. Despite the fact that Macbeth wants to kill Duncan for his own sake, he acknowledges Duncan’s goodness and intelligence in his soliloquy in which he doubts whether or not he should kill Duncan. â€Å"This Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been so clear in his great office, that his virtues will plead like angels trumpet-tongued against the deep damnation of his taking off† (Act I Scene 7). A completely different character is the direct half that murdered king Duncan. The direct half is the part of the conspiracy that actually murdered the king, the other half, the indirect part, is the person that helped thinking about and inspiring the assassination. Macbeth himself is the direct and Lady Macbeth the indirect half. Macbeth, a worthy warrior, deals with his ambition in conjunction with his conscience. His ambition leads him to think about ideas his conscience disapproves, but since his ambition is shared by the indirect part, Lady Macbeth, his ambition conquers his conscience. As soon as Macbeth has the chance to understand what happened to him after the three â€Å"witches† told him he would be thane of Cawdor and king, his imagination leads him to think it is possible that his sons could become king. â€Å"Do you not hope your children shall be kings, when those that gave the thane of Cawdor to me promis’d no less to them?† (Act I Scene 3) are his thoughts when he releases that the witches gave him what they promised, the title of thane. How great would it be if his sons could become rulers of the country? Soon his ideas about his sons change to the idea that he could become king himself if the king would die before announcing the next king. When Duncan does announce that Malcolm should be king after his dead, Macbeth demonstrates to the audience that this means he needs to fight him as well. He thinks that â€Å"in my way it lies† (Act I Scene 4), it is his destiny to become king. But a couple lines before that he tells the king that the victory was his duty to the king. Clearly he does not have any problem by wearing a mask over his thoughts, or as he states in Act I Scene 7; â€Å"false face must hide what the false heart doth know†. His ambition is there, he wants to be the king, now he knows he is destined to be king he feels more tendency to murder than to be loyal. However, his conscience is at some points stronger than his will. In his soliloquy he is persuading himself that he should not murder because of many reasons. The part where his conscience plays a huge role is concerning the fact that â€Å"we still have judgment here; that we but teach bloody instructions, which being taught return to plague th’inventor† (Act I Scene 7). Ironically, since he is the murder, Macbeth is the only one who doubts himself so often. The other characters know what they wanted; the king wants all the good for his country, Banquo wants all what is good for the king, and Lady Macbeth, Macbeth’s â€Å"dearest partner of greatness† (Act I Scene 5), wants to see her husband becoming the king. Macbeth admits that his greatest weakness is his â€Å"vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on the other† (Act II Scene 7). Having ambition is one of those things in life you can’t afford it too have too little, but neither can you have too much or it will work against you. In Macbeth’s case there is enough to make him consider killing his king, but not enough to actually act the murder out. He needs someone who can persuade him to do it. Lady Macbeth fits in this picture perfectly. She is supportive enough to ask Macbeth if he rather lives as â€Å"a coward in thine own esteem† (Act I Scene 7) or that he becomes king. If Lady Macbeth would not continue to push him and give him orders, he would probably not have done the job without big mistakes. Even after the â€Å"deed† Lady Macbeth needs to calm him down. She needs to tell him that he should â€Å"consider it not so deeply† (Act II Scene 2) when he was not able to pronounce the word â€Å"amen†.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Agriculture in Africa Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Agriculture in Africa - Research Paper Example This growth is mainly attributed to the cultivation of more land, although there has been little improvement in the yields. In addition, the production techniques have not been improved, and this has further slowed down agricultural production. Climate has also been a major determinant of agricultural performance in Africa. Only a small portion of land is currently under irrigation, with only 6% of the cultivated land being under irrigation (Blein, et al, 19). Despite the growth in this sector across the continent, the demands of the growing population have not been fully met. Most of the agriculture is Africa is family dominated, where most farms depend of family farm labor. With every generation, the farms are tending to shrink. This explains why despite the growth, agriculture does not supply the needs of the population. In order to understand agriculture in Africa, this paper examines agriculture in Sudan, Congo and Ethiopia. Sudan has vast resources that give it the potential to significantly contribute to food security in Africa. These resources include arable land, water and animal resources. This sector contributes about 45% of the total GDP and nearly 80% of the labor force is employed by the agricultural sector (Omer, 3). However, in recent years, agricultural growth has generally deteriorated. Agriculture in this country is mainly comprised three major farming systems: traditional rain-fed, mechanized rain-fed and irrigated sectors. Nearly 60% of the total cultivated land has been occupied by the traditional rain-fed (Omer, 5). This sector is however characterized by low productivity. This is attributed to the poor farming techniques practiced. Cotton has been the main agricultural export commodity, although its production has generally reduced. Other major cash crops include peanuts`, sugarcane, dates, mangoes, coffee, tobacco and citrus fruits. Animal rearing is another important aspect of agric ulture in Sudan. Better veterinary

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Give a history of the Catholic Church on the death penalty and note Research Paper - 3

Give a history of the Catholic Church on the death penalty and note how it has changed over time - Research Paper Example In the early stage, the catholic churches are considered to be the higher legal authorized body. During the middle ages, the people duly followed the pathway of churches. The Catholic Church is identified to follow capital punishment. However, presently, it has a strict negative statement about capital punishment. According to Catholic teaching, punishment is used against a crime with the aim of defending a society and in case of the failure of defending a society from such criminals, capital punishment should be used (Uelmen 355-356). The prime intention of the study is to reveal the role of the Roman Catholic churches towards providing judgment against a punishment. Apart from this, the study describes about the importance of churches for sentencing capital punishment. Contextually, the study will also reveal the transaction of the traditional Catholic Church in the present day context. The term capital punishment is accustomed and well known in the society. Capital punishment is also ascertained as death penalty in several countries. The law or the rule of death penalty was established during the period of 18th century B.C. The law of death penalty was introduced by Hammurabi, King of Babylon. Death penalty was introduced by King Hammurabi for different crimes and offences. Apart from this, death penalty was also followed during the 14th century by different legal bodies and churches. Besides that, Britain also established the law of sentencing death penalty as a punishment to those people who are committing any criminal offences. With the inspiration from Britain in providing the capital punishment, America also follows the tradition of capital punishment. It is ascertained that America having the highest records in sentencing punishment through death penalty. It has been affirmed that during the middle ages when British people entered America for shelter, Americ ans brought the practices of

Alcoholism with aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Alcoholism with aging - Essay Example The increase in diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and stroke among the aged in the population raises attention interest among researchers. The aged in the society refers to the citizens of sixty-five years and above, and these are mostly the retired members of the society. Researchers gain interest in the health of the aged so that they can determine the causes of the diseases and methods of treatment. Research indicates that the diseases that adults suffer from mostly arise as a result of heavy consumption of alcohol (Rigler, 2000). This means that at least one out of every ten members of the retired group suffers a certain disease because of consuming alcohol (Mellinger, 2002). The findings of these researches continue to reveal facts, which need to be studied further to help in determining a solution that may reduce or prevent this predicament. The abuse of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, and heroine was said to be common among the youths until the twentieth century when investigation was carried out in this field. The investigations indicated that the youths consume more alcohol than adults in terms of quantity, but the undesirable consequences of the behavior are more among the aged. This means that even the little quantities of alcohol may cause serious health damages among the elderly in the society. This phenomenon arises because the bodies of the elderly are more sensitive than those of the youths. The sensitivity arises from the wearing out of the adipose tissues, muscles, and cells. The adipose tissues also increase because of the reduction of water in the body; while muscles reduce as fat deposits enlarge in the body (Merrick, Horgan, & Hodkin, 2008). The health effects of alcohol consumption differ between men and women because of the biological differences in their bodies. The effects also differ because of the variation in drinking patterns with men being the more vulnerable than

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Literature Review on IQ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literature Review on IQ - Essay Example In Stephen Ceci’s IQ to the Test. Psychology today, he explains that the history of IQ testing first started technically in 1905 by Alfred Binet and later it evolved into different methods. Now over 100 years old, IQ testing is now one of the primary tools that are used for identifying children who have mental retardation and also learning disabilities. IQ testing has also helped many governments, companies, and organizations all over the world today place their new recruits in positions which suit their skills and abilities (Ceci 11). Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, weighs in on nature versus nurture debate and tries to argue that all the other things i.e. our cultural legacy, our parents, our time of birth and where we come from help to shape our success. The book deals with the societal and cultural forces which bring about opportunistic individuals. By using a series of case studies, Gladwell argues that most people believe in the myth that successful individuals a re self made but instead, he says that they are always the beneficiaries of extraordinary opportunities, cultural legacies and hidden advantages which makes them able to learn and work hard in ways that others cannot. He defines an outlier as somebody out of the ordinary i.e. one who does not fit into our ordinary understanding of achievement (Gladwell 16). Gladwell tells us that once a person reaches a certain IQ, then he is likely to be successful just like somebody with a much higher IQ score. It turns out from his argument that IQ is a minor gauge of success since most successful people usually have an IQ that is above average but IQ alone cannot predict success. There are other factors such as creativity that may come into play. Gladwell shows this using several examples like a creative test that is given to two children and it occurred that the child who scored high marks on an IQ test was in fact much less creative than the other child i.e. the child with a high IQ gave corre ct answers but they didn’t have the glimmer of creativity that the other child provided in his answers (Gladwell 84). This is to say that IQ is just one small piece of the solutions that make someone to succeed and that having a high IQ does not necessarily mean one will succeed, though there may be a lowest amount IQ threshold required for success. Gladwell suggests that the connection between success and IQ only works up to a certain point and that once somebody has attained an IQ of about 120 then having extra IQ points does not translate into any advantage.Here,I believe the author makes two incorrect inferences (Gladwell 86). Gladwell argues that great men and women are beneficiaries of collaboration, time, specialization, culture and place. An outlier’s way for success isn’t personal myth but it is the combination of time and opportunity on task. Outliers is divided into two parts i.e. part one and part two. In Part one, which is entitled opportunity, Glad well tries to discredit several notions that geniuses are born not made, that people succeed mostly through their own ideas, and that courage trumps luck when explaining life outcomes. This part Contains five chapters which are organized around stories based on unsystematic research intended to prove that outliers, including geniuses are mainly products of one or another kind of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Brand Strategy and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brand Strategy and Analysis - Essay Example This helps to establish whether the brand meets the customers’ expectation and hence establish the need to modify or maintain the brand. Moreover, the managers can carry out an analysis on the customers’ data with a view of developing a marketing strategy that will communicate the brand messages to the target customers and help in predicting future market demands for the brand. For instance, the management can derive a strategic plan for the marketing department with an aim of helping them understand the customers’ needs and henceforth design a brand that meets those needs and reaches the customers in an effective way. Additionally, customers’ analysis helps in brand positioning through the analysis and understanding of different customer segments which defines their usage, needs, and experiences (Alameda County SBDC, 2013). Indeed, such an understanding clearly helps in creating brand strategy as the brand design seeks to satisfy each customer segment. Ho w a Competitor Analysis Helps In Creating a Brand Strategy A strong brand strategy is the one which positions the company’s strengths above its competitors’ weaknesses or the one which expose no threat to the competitors (Czepiel and Kerin, 2009). To achieve this, the company’s strategists must have adequate knowledge about competitors' strengths and weaknesses which comes through competitor analysis (Brown, 2010). As such, competitor analysis helps in creating a brand strategy. For instance, the strategists may seek to establish what the competitors does best and what they perform poorly with an aim of designing a brand strategy that will capitalize on the competitors’ weaknesses and dilute the competitors’ strengths with an aim of gaining competitive advantage. Indeed, brand strategy uses competitors’ analysis to establish a profile of opportunities and threats for the company against its competitors. In addition, competitor analysis has a goal of knowing all aspects of the competitor with a view of relating to them and designing a brand strategy that will address the competitors' probable actions and responses (Czepiel and Kerin, 2009). For example, the strategists can analyze the competitors’ mission statement and future policies with a view of using that information to develop a brand strategy that will position the company in a strategic position. Indeed, brand image and brand strengths are components of competitor analysis which significantly define brand strategy. Knowledge about the competitor’s current and possible future position is fundamental in the overall strategy of a company. More so, competitor’s analysis entails the competitors marketing strategy which helps in designing brand strategy. For example, the strategists may seek to know how, where, what, and who their competitors’’ advertisement target. Such information would be necessary for the company in devising a br and strategy for the future. Example of a Customer Analysis This is a customer analysis for a car manufacturing company. The customer analysis will address the market research, customer needs, and current or targeted customers (Jersey Business, n.y). Customer Needs Most car buyers seek for high quality, low maintenance, comfortable, and durable cars.

Monday, September 23, 2019

1) answer these 3 questions using slides uploaded. 2) summarize slides Essay

1) answer these 3 questions using slides uploaded. 2) summarize slides - Essay Example Task-focused approach is directive and consultative as the same time. This is common in universities where the senate makes decisions and communicates them formally through instructions, emails, and memos due to its bureaucratic nature.Managers at low levels may consult to gain commitment of staff. Banks on the other hand, mostly engage in charismatic transformation through directed business process re-engineering. This is because its success is based on how it functions and often needs to restructure processes. Multinational enterprises operate in a dynamic environment hence need to adapt to changes frequently. In this case, it may engage in facilitated as well as directed change styles and its scale of change may vary from fine tuning to corporate transformation. It is therefore likely to engage in turnarounds hence use directive style with some coercion. A good example is the Toyota lean manufaturing technique referred as the Just-in-Time manufacturing and involves eliminating was te in the production process.This type of change may not be applicable to universities which mostly deal with people and not manufacturing processes. There are many factors that can cause organisations to fail in their change initiatives. One key factor is inefficient communication. The way management communicates change determines whether it will be succesful or not as communication is meant to gain engagement and commitment to a cause. The leader needs to explain why change is vital, how they will benefit from it and what will not change so as to minimise anxieties and resistance. Communication also allows the leader to give a vision or direction of where the company is going and what is expected of everyone. In this way, staffs will be commited to the change implementation otherwise they will resist. However, it is not only communication that matters but

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Paris and Peace Essay Example for Free

Paris and Peace Essay Serene tried to remember the last time she and her cousin, Tina actually behaved like family, but she had to make a truce with her nonetheless. This truce was her ticket to freedom in a new city, a new country and the action necessary to please her parents. Tina was now her roommate. Selena knew her parents would never have allowed her to study Philosophy in Chicago without a chaperone. Tina fit that role in Serenas new life, but how could it be new with these old world requirements? Her parents believed that she was irresponsible, always allowing her taste for life and excitement to cloud her good judgment. Her mom and dad always wished that she would be more traditional and docile, but she had always defied that logic in her quest for her own female freedom. They were reluctant in sending their only daughter in a land known for its schmoozing and adulterous love affairs. Nonetheless, she was allowed to live away in Chicago and spend her summers alone in Lebanon. She was making her own money and felt like an independent American here, as well. Back then she knew that if they had said â€Å"no,† to this quest she would still find a way to fund her trip and defy her parents. Serena was the type of girl, who had a reputation for always winning, but without Tina accompanying her on her first big journey, the family wouldn’t allow her victory to be totally complete. Serene knew all too well that once they arrived in Rome Center, she and Tina would be living separate lives. While Tina would befriend everyone she possibly could, Serena would resolve to make a few good friends to accompany her in her nightly city adventures. She cleared her throat. She really had to say something. â€Å"Just so you know,† she began. â€Å"You won’t have to check on me every now and then. Do you understand me? † â€Å"I understand you perfectly,† Tina replied in her usual condescending voice reminiscent of old world values. â€Å"This is why we never get along. Don’t worry; I won’t ruin your plans. † â€Å"Trust me, you dont want to. † So a truce was made. Months had passed since that conversation. They were both living separate lives indeed. The two would only be seen together in Dr. Mike Silva’s Philosophy 101 class; even then, they sat on opposite sides of the classroom ignoring each other. Being the belated girl that she was, Serene often came late to class. Serena had always believed in the power of a fashionably late entrance to demonstrate her importance. Although appearing to be the model student, Tina inwardly and occasionally, outwardly, objected to her cousin’s behavior and could not help but be bothered by it. Dr. Silva, otherwise know as Mike to Serene, however, didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he was quite fond of her, in Serena’s mind he believed her to be a perfect model of colonized beauty. After classes, the professor and his protege were always seen having coffee or dinner at Mundelein or at one of the nearby cafes. At least she had someone to talk to that respected her independence and charm. A short time later, it didn’t come much of a surprise when Mike asked her to accompany him to Paris for the holidays. Although Serene had her own plans to go the World Cup, she agreed, since she could not convince anyone to come with her to Germany and would not contemplate asking her conniving cousin. She knew all about the rumors circulating about her and Mike. They simply were weren’t true. She thought of him only as a friend. She was sure that he thought the same of her. However, she knew that if these rumors would circulate further, not only would the University reprimand her, but the whole Chicago Arab community would shun both her and her parents for indecent conduct. She had to ask Tina, although she half expected her to decline the offer. That afternoon, she spent hours preparing Tina’s favorite maamoul, a traditional dish from home. She had to make a peace offering. As she handed it to Tina, the her archenemy looked at her incredulously. â€Å"Do you intend to poison me or something? † Tina asked. â€Å"Just shut up and eat! † She watched Tina eat. She knew Tina longed of at least a piece of home unlike her. She never missed home. â€Å"I want you to come with me and Mike to Paris. † Tina almost choked on one cookie as she heard those words. â€Å"Listen, I intend to come back with my virginity and my reputation intact. Besides, those rumors about he and I aren’t true. † â€Å"Ugh! This is worse than poison. † She said, wiping some sugar on her jeans. â€Å"But alright. I’ll go. Why do you want to go there with him anyway? † Serene turned red with anger, but maybe it was embarrassment. She was sick of everyone asking about her relationship with Mike. â€Å"If I have to answer to one more person, you will see me leaving Rome Center tomorrow! † â€Å"Fine! Leave. That would save me a lot of trouble. † Serene sighed. Tina’s impossible, but at least she agreed. Mike’s office desk was full of clutter. He spent weeks reading the tour books and travel brochures that were scattered on his desk. He thought of throwing them away. He was upset by the message that Serene sent him, excusing herself on the trip to Paris because of several assignments due the week after the holidays. He did not understand that her first refusal was customary of Arabic women, as to not seem so eager to accompany a man on an extended holiday. But, Serena had fully intended to go. He heard a few knocks on his door. When he opened it, he was surprised to find himself Tina, one of his least favorite student standing there. Tina didn’t waste time. â€Å"I had come to ask about the Paris trip agenda, Dr. Silva. I am coming with Serene. † Mike’s feelings of rejection were replaced with outright fury and confusion. Serene failed to mention that her cousin would accompany them. â€Å"Well, I don’t know what you intend on doing in Paris, but Serene and I intend on dedicating an entire day to the Louvre. Dinner will follow at Fouquet’s. Day Two, we will go up the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. After that, we will spend more time looking at paintings in Musee DOrsay. Going to the Hotel Invalides is optional. We might try taking the train to Versailles on day three if nothing unfortunate happens. † He memorized the itinerary well, but he didn’t imagine reciting it to this girl. â€Å"I am not quite sure what you had intended on doing in Paris or why you came for that matter, but I respect any decision of Serene’s. † Tina didn’t know how to react. This man was disappointed that she was coming, and he made no effort to hide it. â€Å"Serene feels uncomfortable traveling to a new place alone. † It was a lie. Serene was used to traveling alone. Her attempts at initial rejection were in part customary (though she would never admit it) and similarly to avoid intensifying rumors that could destroy her family and send her packing back home. He was doubtful of Tina‘s revelation, but he decided to let that pass. â€Å"Alright then, Paris can be a dangerous place. Just make sure that you can watch yourself, Ms. Maalouf. † With that, he slammed the door to her face. â€Å"The only person, who I have to watch out for, is you! † She mastered all her self-control so that she wouldn’t say that out loud. It seemed Tina was more intuitive than her cousin would realize. They all arrived in Paris via the Artesia Night train. After checking in their hotel, Serene and Tina prepared to go shopping on Champs Elysees. They decided not to ask Mike, or as Tina referred to him, Dr. Silva, thinking that he would prefer to spend the morning in his bed. They were wrong. Both girls saw him on the downstairs foyer pressuring the receptionist to give him a conjoining room with the girls. His face looked crumpled with disappointment and irritation, but when he saw them, he forcibly flashed a smile. â€Å"Girls, were you planning on leaving without me? † he asked half-jokingly. Tina noted that he was obviously annoyed. Serene noticed it too. â€Å"No, we just figured to do some serious shopping, something you might not be interested in. † She never saw this side of him before. It disappointed her. â€Å"No, I am coming with you,† Mike insisted. Serena felt obligated to pacify the professor. â€Å"Ok then. But I’m afraid it will bore you. Louis Vuitton has nothing to do with history or philosophy. † She continued to downplay his disdain and provided jokes and forced laughter to keep the trip from falling short of her dreamy expectations. Tina remained silent. Perhaps no one will ever know of whatever violent thing she thought of doing to Mike at that moment. Mike was furious. They spent the whole morning shopping along the famous two-kilometer-long avenue. The girls were ready to see the Eiffel Tower next. His plans with Serene were ruined. Tina was to blame. â€Å"The Eiffel Tower is better seen at daytime than at sunset,† he said in his matter-of-fact voice. â€Å"We should wait for tomorrow. † â€Å"We have only three days in Paris. † Serene replied. â€Å"If we are to spend all day tomorrow at the Louvre, I do not think we will have time to see the Eiffel Tower tomorrow morning. † â€Å"You’re right, Serene,† Tina agreed with her for the first time. At that point, Mike lost his patience. â€Å"Your opinion does not matter. † Serene was stunned at Mike’s rude behavior to her cousin. â€Å"How dare you speak to her that way?! † Tina was still family although she never got along with her. Mike realized his mistake. He was worried that his comments would prevent Serene from wanting to spend any time alone with him. â€Å"I’m sorry. I think I just didn’t have enough sleep. † That was a petty excuse. He knew it. Tina knew it and Serene was beginning to realize that Mike was behaving like a spoiled child. â€Å"That is exactly why we choose not call you, but I accept your apology nonetheless. † â€Å"Serene, I am sorry, I did not mean to-† â€Å"The one you should be apologizing to is Tina. † â€Å"Tina, I am sorry. † Tina shrugged. â€Å"Don’t worry. My opinion doesn’t matter anyway. † She decided to do the unthinkable: she would leave Serene and Mike to themselves. Despite Mike’s earlier protests, the pair visited the Eiffel Tower. The view on the Tower’s top floor was truly breathtaking. Serene was awed by the sight of all of Paris glistening beneath her, spreading across to the horizon. No words could completely describe what she saw. No single picture could capture that moment. It was just as she had imagined it, her in all her beauty surrounded by more beauty and her companion, a man who appreciated not only her beauty, but her intellect. Paris was alive. Several times, she had to remind herself that it was real. Mike interrupted her thoughts. He made several comments on the tower’s architecture, its history and its heritage to Paris. She listened intently. He was truly her professor. At that moment, Serene forgot the irritation that he caused her that day. She was grateful to him for taking her to Paris. Without warning, he suddenly kissed her. Serene out of pure reflex, slapped him on the face. â€Å"What are you doing?! † She yelled, astonished, and unaffected by the other travelers around them. â€Å"Doing what one must do in Paris. C’mon Serene, you cannot be blind to this. † â€Å"There has to be some mistake. I saw you only as a professor and a friend, nothing more. I should have listened to Tina. I’m sorry sir. I cannot do what you ask of me. † â€Å"So I risked my reputation, my career, just so you can be better friends with that Tina?! † â€Å"Tina is one of the best people I have known in the entire world. She’s kind to everyone, even me, her enemy. She may not know it, but I have come to admire her. You cannot measure up to who she is to me. † She paused. She couldn’t believe that she just defended Tina against him. â€Å"Please, do not follow me. † She turned to walk away. Mike growled and cursed her. â€Å"Don’t you walk away from me! † He grabbed her arm. Serene clenched her fist. Her punch went straight in his eye, knocking him to the ground. â€Å"I told you not to follow me! † With that, she walked away. Several tourists rolled their heads toward them. The scene was ironically amusing if not romantic. One Korean man even took a video of them in his phone. Serene didn’t care. She was glad to be rid of him. Tina waited at La Jules Verne. She pondered if she had decided right in leaving Serene alone with the monster. A few moments later, her doubts vanished. She was surprised to see Serene back early without Mike. â€Å"Where’s Mike? † she asked. Serene sat down. She turned away to the window. â€Å"I don’t know of any Mike. I simply know a Dr. Silva. He is taking his holiday in Paris as well. We might run into him, but I don’t think will, ever again. † Tina whistled. She realized that Serene had given him a beating worse than she expected. She wanted to congratulate her cousin. â€Å"I hope he won’t flunk the both of us. † With that both girls erupted into a heartfelt laughter that they had shared in a very long time. â€Å"Well, I have decided to drop his class anyway, if you are going to do it with me. How does that sound? † Tina agreed, sealing the pact with a handshake. At last, they had agreed on something. â€Å"You are such a bad influence. † As one relationship came to an end, another presented itself. Paris was a place for romantic love, but the familial love that Serene found again was just as beautiful. She didn’t need Mike’s Philosophy class to understand that. They would carry out the remainder of the Paris trip rekindling their cousinly relationship. They avoided a disheveled Dr. Silva, who they would see frequently muttering to himself or starting a confrontation with the hotel staff. The pair would scamper out of the place with concealed glee and burst into gales of laughter on the Paris street. They didn’t speak of the past misunderstandings they had shares, but instead intuitively knew what had happened there. Serene represented the new world, full of ambiguity and questions. Tina represented the old world with all her wisdom and answers. Together the could navigate through the fog of friendships and loves, enemies and the â€Å"Mikes† of the world. Tina was no longer a chaperone in Serena’s eyes, she was an advisor.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Operations Of Rolls Royce Motor Cars

Operations Of Rolls Royce Motor Cars The main purpose of this report was to apply information systems and operations to the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. This report defines the companys operation, offers an input-transformation-output diagram of the operations system. Then it discusses the supply network and the flows in terms of physical and informational. And it identifies the major categories of ICT, E-business and information systems used and the influences on the operations. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is a system to gain resources from the environment to produce high-quality of motor cars to customers. For the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary divisions of the operation system, the systems method is applied to show every sub-system of the entire system. 1.0 Introduction In business world, the focus is on how people do business rather than on what people make, so companies pay more attention on operations where most organizations incur the majority of the costs. Nowadays, consumers require higher quality, quicker deliveries and lower costs, operations is adding cross-functional decision making and better deal with information system (Anupindi et al., 2005). In essence, operations management means the generation of consumer value via the efficiently and effectively managing the operation processes (Voss, Tsikriktsis Frohlich, 2002). With added internationalization and competition and in markets, operations management are reducing product and service life cycles, shifting emphasis on consumer concerns, competing for time (Hayes, 2002). As a British manufacturer of luxury automobiles on the base of the Good wood Plant, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is the present producer of Rolls-Royce branded automobiles. Having been a motoring icon for more than 10 0 years, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited aims at continuing to set the pace into the next century. The main purpose of this report is to apply information systems and operations to the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. This report will adopt a narrow view of operations, define the companys operation. And offer an annotated input-transformation-output diagram of the operations system presenting the primary, secondary and tertiary inputs and outputs. Following this, it will discuss the supply network of which it is part, and describe the components that comprise this supply network and the flows in terms of physical and informational between the components. Finally, it will identify the major categories of ICT, E-business and information systems used and look at the influences on the operations and supply network in Rolls-Royce Ltd. 2.0 Operations system 2.1 Operations in Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Operations management means the business function conscientious about planning, organizing, and controlling the resources required to generate an organizations services and products (Slack, Chambers Johnson, 2004). Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is a system to gain resources from its environment including materials and staff, to produce high-quality of motor cars to customers all around the world. The operation system is highly standardized, low contact skills, high staff utilization, centralization and low unit costs. The operations function includes all actions associated with generating and delivering motor cars. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is typical goods producing operations. The percent of the product that is good, namely, motor cars. All micro and macro and operations in Rolls-Royce Ltd are based on its customers and suppliers. The needed components of the whole system are to fulfill the companys mission. The company aims to produces goods with excellent durability and quality, with well function, style, and design. Rolls-Royce Ltd is emphasized on the relations of its suppliers and its consumers for the sake of operating effectively and offering high-quality to the motor cars. 2.2 A holistic view of Rolls-Royce Ltd system The diagram below describes the components through which the entire system of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited contains. The interior process through which the company participates separately could be seen in figure 1. The primary division is conscientious about generating and delivering raw materials for the company, where the secondary division applies the raw materials for the sake of manufacturing or improving the goods of the Rolls-Royce Ltd. With regard to the tertiary division, the services are offered through the organization for the sake of satisfying the requirements of its consumers such as distributing and retailing of the motor cars. For the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary divisions of the operation system, the systems method is applied to show every sub-system of the entire system. 2.3 Input-transformation-output diagram The input-transformation-output connects the environment to the management control system (Bertrand Fransoo, 2002). For the sake of designing good management control systems, it is necessary to comprehend where in the environment to look the appropriate inputs, the form of transformation perform, and what output to generate (Johnston, 2005). Comprehending the input-transformation-output process assists Rolls-Royce Ltd to determine the certain design parameters of management control system. In accordance with what is shown about every division, the input-transformation-output diagram is produced for the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary inputs and outputs (figure 2). The input-transformation-output diagram shows what kind of operations management Rolls-Royce Ltd proceeds for the sake of gaining its goals. The company gains inputs from its environment, transforms them into outputs, and delivers the outputs back into the environment. Rolls-Royce Ltd makes a limited product line of motor cars using input-transformation-output process. The company applies lots of manufacturing process having various categories of control systems than applying lean manufacturing ways. The process is visualized for the motor cars to be accomplished and is available to consumers. The input-transformation-output diagram describes what inputs are needed in the whole operation system for the sake of obtaining the prescriptive outputs. The outputs are motor cars, services, and even outcomes of product operations management. 2.3.1 The primary division The primary division of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited is the suppliers, as the organization does not generate the raw materials on its own. The company needs the raw materials from the manufacturers and suppliers to stick to several certain ways and standards for the sake of cooperate with them. The organization generates some measures to estimate the environmental influence of the cars, and assists its suppliers through comprehending the environmental influence of the goods they offer. Rolls-Royce Ltd applies reusing and reusable sources for the sake of generating more motor cars while older cars get the terminal of the lifecycle. The company proposes to the suppliers to recycle the wasteful materials to produce other goods, so as to prevent from the waste which is generated in the manufacturing process. The agents of Rolls-Royce Ltd are conscientious about buying materials, negotiating the prices to the suppliers, test the quality of goods offered and locating orders. The inputs i nclude sheet steel, engine parts, information on raw materials, manufacturing guidelines, procedures, and personnel polices. 2.3.2 Secondary division The secondary part is related to the manufacturing. At the transformation process phase, the materials from the suppliers are applied so as to produce the motor cars. The manufacturers are needed to apply strict standards for the sake of generating high quality cars. Rolls-Royce Ltd forms some relationships so as to obtain support to the actions. One of the companys objectives is to be friendly with the environment, and the company offers high quality cars as it is conscientious about the environment about and people. The transformation process needs equipment, tools, fabrication and assembly of cars, and employees follow instructions. 2.3.3 Tertiary division The tertiary division is responsible for satisfying the consumers requirements. Rolls-Royce Ltd has made available motor cars online to some countries. Rolls-Royce Ltd tries its best to reduce cost in the actions in the operations so as to reach the company goal. The company finds that it is difficult for the consumers to make decisions on empty stomach, so it has offered store restaurants. Although the company does the majority of the operations to the cars to get to the consumers, the consumers can choose, collect, and assembly the cars to reduce the total cost. As consumers choose and buy the motor cars on their own, the company has tried its best to strengthen the performance and aesthetic of the cars. The output in most of the company operations is a mixture of products and services, mainly in high-quality motor cars. 3.0 Supply network 3.1 Supply network of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Form a wider viewpoint of the operations system, it means the design, operation and development of the interior and exterior systems and resources across the entire company and the supply network generating and delivering the companys services and goods and the value required through consumers (Waller, 2003). The supply network in the company consists of the common statement of businesses where a variety of materials are transformed and moved between different value-added points to maximize the value added for consumers. Because the components forming the supply network have been identified above, the supply network of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited emphasizes on the upstream and downstream of the supply network (figure 2). 3.1.1 Upstream of the supply network The upstream of the supply network in Rolls-Royce Ltd starts while a consumer subscribes online, by phone or in person. The consumers subscription goes to the closest distribution centre and the car of the subscription is collected and distributed immediately to the consumer. Through the comparison between the downstream and upstream, it is differentiated that the retailer that is portion of the supply network does not play any role from the categories of transactions. 3.1.2 Downstream of the supply network One of the agents obligations is to order forms, so while an agent orders a form to the suppliers they setout the materials needed in the company, and they are transported to the secondary division. From the distribution centers, the motor cars are transferred to the retailers in accordance with the place of the store in country, therefore the consumers are able to visit the nearest store to purchase goods. 3.2 Physical and informational flows Relationships and information flows include personal relations across the company and lots of firms in the supply network, relationships between companies such as structures and systems required, and the information flows in terms of informal and formal essential to the different relationships to appropriately function (Roth Menor, 2003). 3.2.1 Physical flows Physical flows move when the informational flows deal with controlling and management of the operation process in Rolls-Royce Ltd. The informational flows in the physical processing could be developed online. Via a determined delivery deadline, the time for physical flows is predetermined in the company. The application of information systems helps to develop planning of the physical flows and the informational flow is important for the company to keep competitive. 3.2.2 Informational flows Information flow (formal and informal) is transmission of information from one place to another in Rolls-Royce Ltd. The company tries its best to manage information flows to improve value chain performance. Figure 4 shows the information flows in supply network of Rolls-Royce Ltd. 4.0 ICT, E-business and information systems 4.1 ICT ICT plays an important role in processing of data into information, in the interaction between sub-systems of a system and between systems in Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. Information communications technologies (ICT) includes E-mail, Web-based ordering, EDI of invoices and payment, and Web-based order tracking. In managing business processes of Rolls-Royce Ltd, ICT acts as sensor, feedback, comparator and actuator. ICT is in favor of determining forecasts to expect environmental disturbances and the trade-offs in buffers to accommodate environmental disturbances in the company. ICT is in favor of all facets of management such as decisions, functions, and levels. At every level, ICT processes data into information for business staff at the level, and ICT transmits the information as data for the following level up in the firm. The perception of boundary has results for the functions included in a specific information system. Having shown role of ICT in fundamental control loop functions, it is also in support of the goal setting process in Rolls-Royce Ltd. 4.2 E-business As a trend in operations and supply chain management, E-business develops pace, quality and cost of commerce communication. E-business covers all mediated information interchanges between a company and its exterior stakeholders (Chase, Jacobs Aquilano, 2006). Rolls-Royce Ltd uses operations information systems in day-to-day actions like transaction processing, process control, and communications. Rolls-Royce Ltd benefits a lot from the E-business. The customers of the Rolls-Royce Ltd can gain information about cars they needed by touching a button. The company can provide better availability of service to permit consumers to shop online, better timeliness of service to provide 24-hour service for purchasing products, and reduced cost in information processing. Through E-business, the operating costs of operations are less expensive, cheaper than brick-and-mortar, and initial cost of operations is cheaper. The company offers better access to consumer markets going everywhere in the world, and improves scheduling as the online capability permits the company more precise and seasonable in scheduling production activities. The firm is more easily study the quality of materials and components in the operation process. In addition, Rolls-Royce Ltd is better buying prices from suppliers, as the company obtains more pricing information and outcomes in lowering costs. Rolls-Royce Ltd enhances car development, as the capability online a ssists to decrease the time-to-market and the cost for new cars. 4.3 Information systems Information systems is applied to support the functional fields of business, is a group of relevant components working jointly to implement input, processing, output, and control activities for the sake of shifting data into information products applied to support operations (Rust Chase, 1999). The application of these systems is much cheaper compared with other systems. This system consists of process control systems, office automation systems, and transaction processing systems, which are major information system in the company. Management information systems are applied to offer feedback on the company actions and sustaining decision making. The system contains information reporting systems, executive information systems, and decision support systems in Rolls-Royce Ltd. Rolls-Royce Ltd can immensely enhance the performance through applying these information systems, and the information interchange between the firm and the suppliers is much faster. These information system influences the value chain in Rolls-Royce Ltd, such as identifying the methods IS may generate competitive advantage, creating a plan for taking advantage of IS, determining the role, and assessing the information intensity of the value chain. In addition, the company makes full use of interprise resource planning (ERP) systems with comprehensive functions for all main business operations across Rolls-Royce Ltd like production, finance, sales, and human resource management. Whats more, Rolls-Royce Ltd takes advantage of computer-based information system for the sake of generating management information, which is high-speed, reliable, accurate and programmable. 5.0 Conclusion In conclusion, Rolls-Royce Ltd can generate competitive advantage through information systems and operations. The input-transformation-output diagram is produced for the sake of describing the primary, secondary, and tertiary inputs and outputs. The supply network of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited emphasizes on the upstream and downstream of the supply network, and information flows in terms of informal and formal essential to the different relationships to appropriately function. ICT plays an important role in processing of data into information, in the interaction between sub-systems of a system and between systems in the company, and Rolls-Royce Ltd benefits a lot from the E-business and information systems. 6.0 Appendices Figure 1 Operations system in Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Figure 2 Input-transformation-output diagram of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited Figure 3 Supply network Figure 4 Information flows in supply network

Friday, September 20, 2019

Andhra Pradesh Health and Social Care

Andhra Pradesh Health and Social Care Introduction: The health and social care arena is facing some of the biggest challenges for decades. Demographically this is because more people are falling prey to changing environment, deprived economy, social factors, increased population, life style changes, early mortality etc. The research has provided many benefits in discovery of new treatments and technologies used in health care. It can improve the health outcome to individuals which in turn reduces the burden on the health care. In 1953 Andhra Pradesh was first formed on a linguistic basis by carving it out from Madras area. In 1956 later it was merged with telugu speaking area of Hyderabad state to form a Andhra Pradesh State. In order to keep alive the interest of the Telegu people, Amarajeevi Potti Sriramulu kept pressure on the Madras Presidency government to give a ear to public demand for the separate Telugu speaking state (Rayalaseema and coastal Andhra) to form a new Andhra state. With unbreakable determination he went on a fast, and only stopped when prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru promised to form new Andhra State. On the midnight of 15 December (i.e. Early 16 December 1952), Potti Sriramulu died and sacrificed his life trying to achieve the state. In the history of this telugu state on the 18th Feb 2014 Lok Shabha of India approving the formation of Telangana with ten districts. In India, Andhra Pradesh is one of the populated state because of its growth and its geologically near the sea coast. In India, Andhra Pradesh is one of the populated state because of its growth and its geologically near the sea coast. The Census over the year has seen the state grow steadily in the terms of population. It is located in the southern region of the country, the state shares its boundaries with Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The capital of the state is the vibrant city of Hyderabad that has seen the rule of Nizams for a long time. Andhra Pradesh has been one of the oldest states in the country and finds its place in many ancient works of Literature. According to 2011 census, the population of Andhra Pradesh is 84 million. The growth rate of the population is about 11% which is below the national average. The state has seen the faster growth in the terms of Technological infrastructure, civil works and also developed in sectors like IT and Telecom. The state has tiled over an area of 275000 sq km and has many places of strategic and cultural evidence. It has contributed to have the important place for Worship such as World famous deity, Tirupati balaji. Andhra Pradesh has a population density of 308 which is below the national average. In 2011, the literacy rate is 67% while compared to national average of about 74% and a cause of interest is given. Andhra Pradesh have the best ports in the country with regards to Trade.     Ã‚   Population in Andhra Pradesh in 2011 According to Andhra Pradesh Census in 2011 the population has increased to 0.84(8.46 7.62 crore) when compared to census in 2001. The total population is 84,580,777 of which male and female were 42,442,146 and 42,138,631 respectively. Population Growth Rate in Andhra Pradesh The total population growth in this decade is 10.98% while in previous decade was 13.86%. The population of Andhra Pradesh forms 6.99% of India in 2011. Literacy Rate in Andhra Pradesh 2011 As per 2011 population census Literacy rate in Andhra Pradesh has been upward trend and is 67.02%. in which male literacy stands at 74.88% and female literacy is at 58.68%. The total literates in Andhra Pradesh stands at 50,556,760 of which male were 28,251,243 and female were 22,305,517 and in terms of percentage it stood at 60.47% of male and 71.16% of female respectively. Andhra Pradesh Density 2011 The total area of Andhra Pradesh in 275,045 sq km. Density of Andhra Pradesh is 308 Sq Km when compared to 277 sq km in 2001. Sex Ratio in Andhra Pradesh In Andhra Pradesh Sex Ratio is 993 for each 1000 male and female is 978 per 1000 males which is below national average of 940 as per census 2011. Description 2011 2001 Population 8,45,80,777(Approximate 8.45 crores) 7,62,10,077(Approximate 7.62 crores) Male 4,24,42,146 3,85,27,413 Female 4,21,38,631 3,76,82,594 Growth in Population 10.98% 13.86% Percentage of Population 6.99% 7.41% Sex Ratio 993 978 Child sex ratio 939 896 Density/km2 308 277 Area km2 2,75,045 2,75,045 Area mi2 1,06,195 1,06,196 Total Child population (0-6 Age) 91,42,802 1,01,71,857 Male population (0-6 Age) 47,14,950 51,87,321 Female population (0-6Age) 44,27,852 49,84,536 Literacy 67.02% 60.47% Male Literacy 74.88% 71.16% Female literacy 58.68% 50.29% Total literate 5,05,56,760 3,99,34,323 Male literate 2,82,51,243 2,34,44,788 Female literate 2,23,05,517 1,64,89,535 Rural Population in Andhra Pradesh 2011 In the total population of Andhra Pradesh 66.67% live in villages of rural areas. Males and females are 56,361,702 respectively. The population growth rate recorded for the decade was 66.64%. In rural regions of Andhra Pradesh state, female sex ratio per 1000 males was 996 and children below age of 6 was 941 girls per 1000 boys. In rural regions of Andhra Pradesh state, the literacy rate for males and females stood at 69.38% and 51.29% respectively. Description Rural Urban Total population 5,63,61,702 2,82,19,075 Male population 2,82,43,241 1,41,98,905 Female population 2,81,18,461 1,40,20,170 Population growth 1.73% 35.61% Sex ratio 996 987 Child sex ratio(0-6) 941 935 Child population(0-6) 61,52,022 29,90,780 Child percentage(0-6) 10.92% 10.60% Literates 3,03,51,065 2,02,05,695 Average literacy 60.45% 80.09% Male literacy 69.38% 85.79% Female literacy 51.29% 73.31% Estimated crude birth rates, crude death rates and infant mortality in Andhra Pradesh. S.No Particulars 2010 2011 Rural Urban Rural Urban 1 Crude birth rate per 1000 population 18.3 16.7 17.8 16.6 2 Crude death rate per 1000 population 8.6 5.4 8.5 5.2 3 Infant mortality rate per 1000 live births 51 33 47 31 Source: Sample registration system statistical reports, 2010 and SRS bulletin vol.47 No.2,Oct 2012 of office.Registrar general of india, Ministry of home affairs, Govt.of India, New Delhi. Hyderabad: It is the capital city of Andhra Pradesh and one of the largest state in India. The origin of the name Hyderabad came into picture when Muhammad Qulin Qutub founded the city and named after a nautch girl who got converted to Islam after marriage and adopted the title Hyder Mahal and in her honour the city was renamed as Hyderabad. Hyderabad is located in the north- western part of Andhra Pradesh and lies on the banks of Musi River in the northern part of the Deccan plateau in south India. Climate Hyderabad has a tropical wet and dry climate ranging from the scale of 21 – 32 degree Celsius. The Hyderabad Municipal Corporation was expanded in 2007 to form the greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. Hyderabad has paved in art, literature and cuisine. The city is also attracted with tourist destination such as Chowmahalla Palace, Charminar and Golkonda fort and joining hands with various interesting museums, bazaars, galleries, libraries, sports venues and other cultural institutions. Hyderabad is a shell for information technology, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. It is also a home for film industry, education and research having 13 universities and business schools.It became a tourist spot and hub of various cultures. According to 2011 Census Population in Hyderabad: Description 2011 2001 Population 39,43,323 38,29,753 Male 20,18,575 19,81,173 Female 19,24,748 18,48,580 Growth in Population 2.97% 21.74% Area-Sq.Km 217 217 Density/km2 18,172 17,649 Proportion to AP population 4.66% 5.03% Sex ratio(per 1000) 954 933 Child sex ratio(0-6 Age) 914 943 Average Literacy 83.25 78.80 Male literacy 86.99 83.74 Female literacy 79.35 73.50 Total child population(0-6 Age) 4,69,126 4,86,084 Male population(0-6 Age) 2,45,127 2,50,173 Female population(0-6 Age) 2,23,999 2,35,911 Literates 28,92,155 26,34,949 Male literates 15,42,688 14,49,602 Female literates 13,49,467 11,85,347 Proportion of child(0-6 Age) 11.90% 12.69% Proportion of boys(0-6 Age) 12.12% 12.63% Proportion of girls(0-6 Age) 11.64% 12.76% Healthcare The Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad, a department of the state government ,administers healthcare in Hyderabad. Medical services are provided by government hospitals, clinics, private hospitals and charities. In 2010-11 the city had 50 government hospitals, 300 private and charity hospitals and 194 nursing homes together having approximately 12000 hospital beds. The ratio for every 10000 people in the city there are 17.6 hospitals beds, 9 specialist doctors, 14 nurses and 6 physicians. The common people prefer private hospitals as they are standardized with good quality and advance treatment. According to the 2005 National Family Health Survey, 24% of Hyderabad’s households are covered by government health schemes or insurance. The city’s total fertility is 1.8 where only 61% of children has proved with all basic vaccines( BCG, measles and full courses of polio and DPT) . The infant mortality rate for children below age of five was 41 per 1,000 live births. According to one survey , about third of women and quarter of men and 20% of children are objected to overweight or obese while 49 % of children below 5 are anaemia. More than 2% of women and 3% of men are suffer from diabetes. Ethnic groups, language and religion Residents of Hyderabad are known as Hyderabadi. The majority speak Telugu followed by Urdu, Marathi. Minority language spoken are Kannada, Marwari, Bengali, Tamil, Malayali, Gujarati, Punjabi people. Religion in Hyderabad District- 2001 Religion Percent Hinduism 55% Islam 42% Christianity 2% Others 1% Economy Of all the cities of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is the largest contributor to the state’s GDP, tax and other revenues. Its per capita annual income in 2011 was 44,300. Culture Hyderabad has North and South linguistic and cultural traits of Hindu and Muslim traditions. Festivals celebrated in Hyderabad include Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Bonalu, Bathukamma, Eid ul-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Hyderabad is the medical hub for Andhra Pradesh. While the Three Hospitals in Hyderabad i.e Omega Hospitals, Basavatarakam Indo American cancer institute and research Centre and MNJ institute of Oncology Regional Cancer Centre and patients with breast cancer have been selected for the present study. These three hospitals are specialized in cancer treatment and research. In this study only Breast Cancer patients are selected. Hyderabad is the medical hub for Andhra Pradesh. Omega Hospital Known for commitment and interest of a few doctors are the world’s best specialist for treating cancer patients in Andhra Pradesh. Omega Hospital has combined to bring the best in the field of Oncology. The NABH has credited as the first of its cancer care. The team is lead by Dr. Ch. Mohana Vamsy who is instrumental in bringing best cancer care to the state of Andhrapradesh. The hospital was promoted in the year 2010 and started its operation from 2 of July 2010. On the first day the hospital had 100 OP registrations which reflects its popularity and confidence that patients have towards the hospital and the team. Vision To create a world-class integrated healthcare delivery system in India, entailing the finest medical skills combined with compassionate care. Mission: â€Å"In Life we believe† Our mission is to protect and provide advance facilities to cure by latest treatment and research.Omega Hospital is a 175 bedded Multi Specialty Hospital located in MLA colony, Road No:12, Banjara hills Hyderabad . The hospital is fostered with few doctors who come from highly experience of surgical oncologists, state-of-the-art operation theaters, anesthetic , critical care units, top-class radiology facilities including CT/PET-CT scanner, dedicated pathology, microbiology laboratory and dynamic medical oncology departments in one roof. Dr. Mohana Vamsy, Chief surgical oncologist and Managing director of OMEGA HOSPITALS and come from an experience of 20 years in treating cancer patients along with a dedicated team to work hand-in-hand for best recovery. Omega ha the latest laparoscopic equipment and expertise to perform all major oncologic abdomino-pelvic surgeries. It also has the latest surgical equipment to perform head and neck surgeries with quick recovery. Basavatarakam Indo- American Cancer Hospital and Research Centre This hospital was started with a dream of late Smt. Nandanuri Basava Taraka Rama Rao wife of late Chief Minister Sri N T Rama rao who herself was succumbed to the deadly disease. The late Chief Minister and several philanthropists, scients and physians from India and USA created the Basavatarakam Indo- American Cancer Hospital and Research Centre in Hyderabad. Today, it is a non-profit making organization, bestows care and treatment on par with stands of excellence and affordable price. It is run by two trustees, one based in India and other from United States of America, this institute meet different phase of patients fighting from Cancer. Today it stand proud saving the lives from this killer disease. Mission: Provide quality cancer treatment at affordable cost. Vision: Main Vision is to develop BIACH and RI as a premier institution for the Cancer Research and treatment in the country. It has 500 bed with advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities at affordable cost. It has MRI, Multiple Slice spiral CT, Conventional CT, Mammography unit, IMRT, IGRT, SRT, PET CT, Radio Idonine Thyroid Ward, Bone Scan, Muga Scan, Blood Bank Etc. Basavatarakam’s mobile unit work to reach adults (18 years and older) living in villages and small towns in Andhra Pradesh. The unit is equipped wirg a mammogram unit, x-ray and ultrasound facilities, mobile unit services offered Breast Health, Cervical health, Oral health, Prostate health, Skin health, Cancer education, Nutrition, Physical activity, brast Self Examination, Oral Self Examination, Tabacco Cessation. Facility for out-station patients Parents and families who come from long distance seek affordable and advanced health care facilities. The Hospital has come forward in providing comfort, reassurance, affordable and effortless Dormitory/ Guest House with A/c and non- A/c Rooms to nigh the patients. MNJ Institute of Oncology Regional Cancer Centre, Hyderabad The MNJ Institute of Oncology Regional Cancer Centre is a 40 bedded hospital established by Nawab Mehdi Nawaj Jung and inaugurated by the first Prime Minister of India Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru on 8 of December 1955. It was the first centre to provide cancer care.on march 1996, it was adwarded the status of Regional Cancer Centre. At present it has 250 bedded serving Andhra Pradesh and neighbouring states. The MNJ Institute of Oncology Regional Cancer Centre is the third cancer centre in the India. It takes pride for the fact of growth. This hospital provides free treatment to approximately to 10,000 new patients and 50,000 follow-up patients every year. Surgery, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy is provided free of cost to all the patients below poverty line. The departments in MNJ Institute of Oncology Regional cancer centre are Radiation Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Plastic Reconstructive surgery, Medical Oncology, Nuclear Medicine, Pathology, Palliative Medicine, Biochemistry, Gynecological Oncology, Tobbaco cessation clinic etc.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay examples --

Most startups that raise money do it more than once. A typical trajectory might be (1) to get started with a few tens of thousands from something like Y Combinator or individual angels, then (2) raise a few hundred thousand to a few million to build the company, and then (3) once the company is clearly succeeding, raise one or more later rounds to accelerate growth. Reality can be messier. Some companies raise money twice in phase 2. Others skip phase 1 and go straight to phase 2. And at Y Combinator we get an increasing number of companies that have already raised amounts in the hundreds of thousands. But the three phase path is at least the one about which individual startups' paths oscillate. This essay focuses on phase 2 fundraising. That's the type the startups we fund are doing on Demo Day, and this essay is the advice we give them. Forces Fundraising is hard in both senses: hard like lifting a heavy weight, and hard like solving a puzzle. It's hard like lifting a weight because it's intrinsically hard to convince people to part with large sums of money. That problem is irreducible; it should be hard. But much of the other kind of difficulty can be eliminated. Fundraising only seems a puzzle because it's an alien world to most founders, and I hope to fix that by supplying a map through it. To founders, the behavior of investors is often opaque—partly because their motivations are obscure, but partly because they deliberately mislead you. And the misleading ways of investors combine horribly with the wishful thinking of inexperienced founders. At YC we're always warning founders about this danger, and investors are probably more circumspect with YC startups than with other companies they talk to, and even so we witness a... ... the way their sites are organized that they don't really want startups to approach them directly. Intros vary greatly in effectiveness. The best type of intro is from a well-known investor who has just invested in you. So when you get an investor to commit, ask them to introduce you to other investors they respect. [7] The next best type of intro is from a founder of a company they've funded. You can also get intros from other people in the startup community, like lawyers and reporters. There are now sites like AngelList, FundersClub, and WeFunder that can introduce you to investors. We recommend startups treat them as auxiliary sources of money. Raise money first from leads you get yourself. Those will on average be better investors. Plus you'll have an easier time raising money on these sites once you can say you've already raised some from well-known investors.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Elements of Plato in John Donnes The Good Morrow Essay example -- Don

Elements of Plato in John Donne's The Good Morrow There are clear Platonic elements in Donne's "The Good Morrow." The idea that Donne and his lady are halves that complete each other is traceable to Plato's theory of love. Lines 7 and 8 of the poem refer to the Platonic World of Ideas: the lady is presented as the Idea of Beauty, of which all earthly beauty is but an imperfect reflection. My argument, however, is that Plato's cave allegory and his World of Ideas are integral to a full understanding of this highly complex poem. The first reference to the Platonic cave comes in line 4 of the poem: "Or snorted we in the seven sleepers' den?" The seven sleepers are seven young Christians who were walled up in a cave in the year 249. Miraculously, they did not die but slept for 187 years. This miracle of early Christianity is negatively presented by Donne and the plight of the seven "snorters" may have a relationship to Plato's cave: there are fundamental similarities between Plato's cave-dwellers on the one hand, and the seven Christians (and the biblical myth of Exodus, for that matter) on the other hand, according to Downing. In both cases, there is a God who cares for the people involved, even though they are unaware of this fact; in the first case because they are asleep, in the second because they mistake shadows of shadows for reality. They are both trapped in a cave from which they apparently cannot escape. And they both dwell in darkness. In a poet of Donne's complexity, it is not far-fetched to argue that line 4 refers both to the seven Christians and to Plato's cave-dwellers, and that Donne wished us to read it in precisely this way. Such an argument is reinforced by the fact that the line is immediately followed by... ...a Platonic Idea is, of course, a paradox, as the World of Ideas is not only deathless but supposedly has existed since the beginning of time.) Alternatively, one can argue that Donne (or his poetic voice) experiences a transient relationship in this poem that may or may not develop into a Platonic Idea. Like Plato's cave-dwellers who came out into the light, however, he has learned a great deal and become capable, as a consequence, of achieving the Platonic Idea of sexual love in a possibly new, deathless encounter that is "mixed equally." WORKS CITED Donne, John. "The Good Morrow." The Oxford Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 1. Ed. Frank Kermode and John Hollander. New York: Oxford UP, 1974. 1024-25. Downing, Christopher. "How Can We Hope and Not Dream? Exodus as Metaphor: A Study of the Biblical Imagination." Journal of Religion 48 (1968): 35-53.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

History of the New York Yankees

The New York Yankees are hands down the most successful franchise in professional baseball. They became the modern day goliath in every facet of the game. However, it hasn’t always been like that. The team originated in the late 1800’s in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1899, the Minneapolis team moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where they became the Baltimore Orioles. Minneapolis and Baltimore both failed to realize the behemoth that was to become the Yankees. In 1903, the team moved to New York City, and became the New York Highlanders. The New York Highlanders built a stadium at 168th and Broadway, and called it Hilltop Park.After losing their first game against Washington, they won their first home game, against the same Washington team. This is when their uniforms developed the famous pin stripes. In 1913, the team moved to the Polo Grounds and officially became the New York Yankees. The Yankees acquired many players from the Boston Red Sox because the owner of the Red Sox refused to pay high salaries. George Herman Ruth Jr. , known to sports fans as Babe Ruth was the most notable acquisition in 1919. In the 1920’s the Yankees won 3 world championships, and started their rise to worldwide fame.In 1923 the Yankees Stadium was built in the heart of the Bronx, in New York City. This stadium became the home of the Yankees from 1923 to 1973 and from 1976 to 2008 essay writer cheap. The stadium’s nickname, â€Å"The House That Ruth Built†, has the most history, from the dozens of Hall of Famers that played in the pinstripes type my essay online, to all the World Series titles. The Yankees stadium hosted 6,581 Yankees regular season home games during its 85-year history. Many baseball historians consider the 1927 Yankees team to be the best assembled of all time. In the World Series, they swept the Pittsburgh Pirates.This Yankee team is known for their feared lineup, which was nicknamed â€Å"Murderers' Row†. In the 1930’s the winning continued with Joe DiMaggio and Lou Gehrig, and they won four straight titles. From the 1940’s to the 1950’s the winning ways continued, as the Yankees won five more World Series titles. This was the era of Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, and Whitey Ford. In 1956, starting pitcher Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in World Series history. Larsen’s gem during the 1956 World Series was the first and only perfect game to occur during the postseason and World Series.The Yankees would close the decade of the 1950’s winning a total of seven World Series titles. In 1964, CBS bought the Yankees for 11. 2 million dollars. In 1973, CBS sold the Yankees to George Steinbrenner for 10 million dollars. This would go down as one of the worst deals in sports history for CBS. While the Yankees stadium was refurbished in 1974 and 1975, they played their home games in Shea stadium, home of the New York Mets. Yankees off and on again coach Billy Martin held th e position five different times, and led the team over the Los Angeles Dodgers in six games in the 1977 World Series.This is the World Series Reggie Jackson hit three home runs in a single game, and how he earned his nickname â€Å"Mr. October. † The 1980’s were lean times in which they did not win one World Series title. Don Mattingly was the best known Yankee during the 80’s. In 1983, Dave Righetti pitched the 6th no-hitter in Yankee’s history. 1983 also marked the famous â€Å"pine tar game† with the Kansas City Royals. The 1990’s started as the 1980’s ended. A breakthrough happened in 1996 when the Yankees hired Joe Torre, and then went on to win the World Series that same year. Torre brought the winning edge of previous decades to the new age Yankees.Derek Jeter would go on to become the next Yankees legend. The Yankees went on to win the 1998, 1999, and 2000 World Series, to complete the historic three-peat. The 2008 season was the last season played at historic Yankee Stadium. To celebrate the final year and history of Yankee Stadium, the 2008 MLB All-Star Game was played there on July 15, 2008. It wouldn’t take long for their next World Series title, as they won it all in 2009 with manager Joe Girardi at the helm. In all, the Yankees have 27 championships, more than any other team in any American sport.In pursuit of winning World Series titles, the franchise has utilized a large payroll to recruit star talent, particularly under former owner George Steinbrenner. Individual names are never put on the back of a Yankee’s uniform, because you are not an individual, you are a Yankee. The New York Yankees have inducted 36 players into the Hall of Fame, with more to come in the future. Playing for the Yankees is a huge desire for many kids and professional baseball players. Putting on those pinstripes represents history and pride. Hall of famer Joe DiMaggio put it best when he said, â€Å"Iâ€⠄¢d like to thank the good lord for making me a Yankee. †   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Maggie and Dee; Two Sisters, Two Worlds

February 24, 2010 Maggie and Dee; Two Sisters, Two Worlds The genuine appreciation of heritage and family is the focus of Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use†. Dee and Maggie’s characters are the vessels that Walker uses to demonstrate the difference between appreciating possessions for their usefulness as well as their personal significance and their contrasting value as a trendy, materialistic connection. There is a palpable difference between Maggie and Dee, both in physical appearance as well as in personality traits and their treatment of the personal artifacts that come into play within the story is very telling of this. Maggie, who is self-conscious of her appearance, and will â€Å"stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eying her sister with a mixture of envy and awe† (140) is conscious of the practical uses of the artifacts. From the onset of the story we are made aware of the tenderness that their mother feels towards Maggie. Even in narrating her description of Dee, her thoughts wander back to the memory of their house burning and â€Å"Maggie’s arms sticking to me, her hair smoking, and her dress falling off her in little papery flakes† (141). In addition to her physical flaws, Maggie is described as not being very intelligent. â€Å"Like good looks and money, quickness passed her by† (142). Yet despite what could be considered as unfortunate traits, Maggie is blessed with a kinder, gentler, more likeable persona. Imagine having suffered a tragic, deforming, childhood accident. Then picture a sibling counterpart who is, by all counts, blessed with good-looks and intelligence, and who â€Å"Even her feet were always neat-looking, as if God himself had shaped them with a certain style† (143). It would be understandable to have taken that bad stroke of life’s luck and become a bitter, angry individual. However, Maggie, despite her mousy demeanor, inherits her mother’s rooted nature and appreciation for their heritage. There is no room for pretentiousness in Maggie’s life; it is one of basics; â€Å"She will marry John Thomas (who has mossy teeth in an earnest face)† (142). Maggie who knows how to quilt and chewed checkerberry snuff, already knows what her life has to offer. Her knowledge of her future is derived from her knowledge of her ancestry. There appears to be no rancor in her acceptance of this. When the climactic scene occurs and Dee asks â€Å"Can I have these quilts? † (145), Maggie’s first implied reaction is one of surprise and anger; â€Å"I heard something fall in the kitchen, and a minute later the kitchen door slammed† (145). But as someone â€Å"never used to winning anything, or having anything reserved for her† (146), Maggie succumbs and offers to let Dee have them. Although â€Å"Maggie knows how to quilt† (146), she is able to comprehend the deeper personal value of the quilts, and states that she â€Å"can ‘member Grandma Dee without the quilts†(146). Despite their value as an item of everyday use, the quilts are meaningful to Maggie, much in the way they are to her mother who remembers having quilted them with Big Dee. The scraps, the bits and pieces and â€Å"one teeny faded blue piece, about the size of a penny matchbox, that was from Great Grandpa Ezra’s uniform that he wore in the Civil War. † (145) hold deep significance to Maggie. Dee, on the other hand, is portrayed in a very different light by Walker. Commencing with her physical appearance; â€Å"Dee is lighter than Maggie, with nicer hair and a fuller figure† (141). However, their differences do not end there. Dee is intelligent, ambitious and confident. Even â€Å"At sixteen she had a style of her own and knew what style was† (142). Rather than embracing her family, there is a sense of shame for her impoverished past. â€Å"She wrote me once that no matter where we â€Å"choose† to live, she will come see us. But she will never bring her friends† (143). One can sense that despite Dee’s accomplishments and natural gifts, she is at a loss for identity and is grasping at something to hold on to by attaching herself to the relics that she wants to take away. Part of the reason that her desire to bond to her heritage via the artifacts is questionable is the fact that in the past she shunned her mother’s offer of â€Å"a quilt when she went away to college. Then she had told me they were old-fashioned, out of style† (146). Her integration into a world away from where she grew up has made her conscious of the value of her heritage, but it can be concluded that it is not for the sentimental value that her heritage holds but for the ability to flaunt that heritage to her new social circle. Dee believes that she can appreciate the value of the quilts more than Maggie, who will â€Å"be backward enough to put them to everyday use† (144). Dee wants the quilts for more materialistic reasons. She considers the quilts â€Å"priceless† (144). While both the girls came from the same upbringing and both have a desire to bond to their heritage, the reasoning behind that desire, and the difference in their motives, is indicative of their personalities. Maggie, being the one who suffered at childhood, who wasn’t blessed with beauty and intelligence, has a deeper understanding of where she came from. It was Grandma Dee and Big Dee who taught her how to quilt herself† (146). When Dee was packing up the dasher, wondering who made it, it was Maggie who responded â€Å"Aunt Dee’s first husband whittled the dash†, â€Å"His name was Henry, but they called him Stash† (145). She had a vivid recollection and genuine appreciation of her past. Dee, on the other hand, has until this point been unsuccessful at combining her good graces with a heartfelt recognition of her ancestry and her family ties. She will â€Å"use the churn top as a centerpiece in the alcove table† (145) and when asked what she would do with the quilts she responds, â€Å"Hang them† (146). One can only wonder what would happen to those pieces when the next stylish fad comes along considering her favoring of appearances over substance. Indeed, Maggie and Dee are two truly different and unique individuals with very contrasting personalities. Works Cited Walker, Alice. â€Å"Everyday Use† Literature and the Writing Process. Ed. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X Day, and Robert Funk. 8th ed. Upper Saddle River; Prentice, 2007. 140 – 146.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Employee Theft

†¢Explain the reasoning behind employee theft. Employee theft could be a result of many issues that arise at the place of employment. Low morale at the workplace is a major reason why businesses suffer from low production and stealing at the workplace, especially if the employee feels that the business or company has wronged or mistreated them in some way. Another reason would be if the employee feels that they are underpaid or under-appreciated for their performance. In sales, lack of control over inventory makes it easier to steal because the employer does not have preventive measures to avoid it. Preventive measures are crucial to reducing the risk of employee theft. If preventive measures are not existent then the opportunity to steal is very high. The best way to control employee theft is to set policies and guidelines regarding the issue. If there are no set consequences to employee theft then employees will continue to steal, because they think that they won’t be punished. †¢Explain ways the culture of our capitalists society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes. I would say a culture of technological revolution and an ever expanding ‘action-packed’ business world, along with an image shaped by a culture of video games and action movies has definitely contributed to encouraging attitudes like those Sheehy describes. As it is stated in the text, â€Å" The college students in particular, reports Sheehy, believed that a no- holds- barred, trample- over- anybody, get- what –you- want approach is the necessary and glamorous road to success. This relates directly to the John Rawls notion of justice as fairness. Rawls lists the following among the equal basic liberties: â€Å"freedom of thought and liberty of conscience; the political liberties and freedom of association, as well as the freedoms specified by the liberty and integrity of the person; and finally, the rights and liberties covered by the rule of law. † This notion is characteristic of the capitalist society. There are many contributing factors surrounding employee theft. I think that the desire to steal is a direct result of your moral values. Sheehy stated, employee theft accounts for 50 percent more revenue loss for retailers than shoplifting. So what’s causing the employees to steal? Some employees may steal because the opportunity presents itself, others may steal because it’s part of their DNA, and some may still because they feel that they may be underpaid therefore; they are entitled to more and will compensate themselves. For example, I have a friend that was a Shift Manager at Popeye’s and she was recently fired for stealing money. I asked her to rationalize her actions; she stated that she was getting underpaid and was upset because the company recently hired a new Shift Manager with a higher salary. She also, stated that she was very flexible, worked long hours if needed, and always helped others with their tasks and duties. Bottom line, she felt that the company did not value her hard work and dedication; therefore she stole the money to even the score. She is now looking for a job and her unemployment was denied due to theft. I believe the employees that steals from their workplace, did not take time out to think about the consequences if their caught. In summary, the attitudes Sheehy shared in his report is evident in most businesses today. Some people feel that they will do enough just to get by until something else comes along. Others may feel unappreciated and underpaid, which may cause them to steal from the company to make up the difference. The implications of the work ethics Sheehy reported in the article will have a negative impact on future American businesses, which may cause businesses to close and an increase in corporate fraud. If society does not change the attitudes, we will be a nation without purpose. Having strong work ethics and a mindset of appreciation for the workforce/ environment will help shape our future. Would you report an overpayment to your manager or would you pocket the money if a customer forgot to get his/her change? As mentioned earlier, Sarah reported the overpayment to her manager and coincidently the customer returned back to the store for her change 3 hours later. Sarah displayed a level of integrity and appreciation for her workplace. I believe we still have hope. Sheeny, J. (2010). A New Work Ethic? In W. H. Shaw, Business Ethics (p. 164). http://www. ifpo. org/articlebank/employee_theft. html Explain the reasoning behind employee theft. Sheehy reported that the number cause of employee theft is peer pressures, teenagers are been forced to steal in order to become part of the pack, they feel like they are not been compensated accordingly with their jobs to the nature of their jobs so they feel like it is their given right to get what is owed to them. Also because they can get away with it, it is hard to prove something when no one is willing to tell the truth because they all do it. Explain ways the culture of our capitalists society encourages attitudes like those Sheehy describes. People can actually do what they want to do, if you have a job that you hate, you will not be able to motivate yourself to perform the way you suppose to. On my email signature a work I have a quote saying â€Å"find something you love to and you will never have to work again a day in your life†. It is important that your job should be a hobby, something you are willing to do even if you are not getting paid, but the economy is causing for more people just to take any kind of job in order to survive even if they hate what they are doing.